Jesus tells us in the parable of the Good Samaritan who our neighbor is and how we love them: Our neighbor is the person who needs help. And we love our neighbor by stepping up and helping.
It doesn’t matter if our neighbor is rich or poor, speaks the same language we do or not, worships the same way we do or not, or even loves the same kinds of people we love.
We are to love our neighbor by wanting and working toward what’s right for her. If our neighbor is hungry, we work to make sure she has food. If she’s sick, we work to make sure she’s cared for. If she’s in trouble or danger, we work to make sure she’s safe.
That’s loving our neighbor. That’s the love that leads to justice.
This excerpt is from “How do we Just Love our Neighbor?” by Audrey Novak Riley from the January 30, 2020, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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