What does minimalism mean? Here’s the definition I’m working with: Focusing on what matters most and removing anything else.
Most minimalists begin by paring down their personal belongings. But it’s not just about getting rid of stuff.
Jesus tells us: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). That abundant life means focusing time and energy and resources on what matters most. It means removing anything keeping us from living that full, abundant life that Jesus came to give us.
Jesus talks a lot about money in the Bible. How we use our money matters to Jesus. The message we get from our commercial culture is to buy, buy, buy; spend, spend, spend. But we Christians are called to be counter-cultural—because our life’s meaning is not wrapped up in material things. It is through Jesus Christ that our lives have meaning. Minimalism helps us refocus on our Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–and the aspects of life that truly matter.
This message is excerpted from “Minimalism, Christianity and Lent” by Becca Ehrlich in the March 2018 Cafe online magazine. Today we commemorate Isaac Watts, hymnwriter, 1748.
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