This time of year, we see news stories about churches, social service agencies, and food pantries giving turkeys, bread stuffing mix, and cans of cranberry sauce to people who live in poverty. That’s one of the typical “feel good” stories of the holiday season.
But many people are living in poverty every day. Every day. When the cameras go away, they still have to make hard decisions: money for gas to drive to work (or for public transit) or food and medicines for my kids? How do I pay rent? How do I get to the doctor?
I thank God for all the blessings of this life, and I ask God to keep me mindful of the needs of others. But we all need to look at how we, our congregations, and communities can make sure all people have enough–not because it will make us virtuous or righteous, but because we are so grateful for every blessing in our lives.
This message is excerpted from “Taking care of those who live in poverty” by Kate Elliott from the November 14, 2019, blog of the Women of the ELCA.
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