The first angel on the scene of the New Testament is Gabriel. (Gabriel, who first appears in Daniel 8:16, is one of only two angels mentioned by name in the Bible. The only other named angel is Michael, who appears three times, all in the book of Daniel.) We are not given any description of him beyond the fact that when people first meet Gabriel, they are terrified.
There are no biblical references to Gabriel having wings, a halo, or a white robe. We only know a couple of things about him. The name Gabriel means “God is my strength.” He fulfills his angelic role admirably (angelos means “messenger”) as he delivers stunning news, first to the old priest Zechariah, and then to young Mary in Bethlehem. Gabriel assures Mary that God is her strength, and that her impossible pregnancy will result in the gift of a Savior for the whole world.
Angels often carry a message of God’s immensity and majesty. Describe a specific place, a work of art or music, or an aspect of nature that has most recently evoked something of God’s immensity for you.
This message is from the Bible study “Journeys with angels” by Christa Von Zychlin in the January/February 2021 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate Michael and all Angels.
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