Are you someone who makes decisions with full knowledge? Or are you more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants decision maker?
Some of my decisions are silly mistakes, not life-changing events. But what about when we do have big decisions to make? Should I take this new job? Should we downsize our home or move near our grandkids? Should I marry? Should we have kids?
Seek out options other than the obvious ones. Consider several scenarios.
If you’re consulting your friends about your decision, diversify that group. Don’t go only to the ones who will give you the answer you want (confirmation bias). Consult someone with a different background and life-experience than yours.
At some point, you must decide. For any decision you make, pray, and ask God for guidance.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Terri Lackey. Today we remember Mark, the evangelist. Pray for Women of the ELCA’s executive board, which meets today by Zoom. The board has important decisions to make.
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