I got up early one Saturday to watch the royal wedding on TV just like millions of others. We all expected to see a beautiful ceremony in a beautiful place, but we got something extra. We got to hear a sermon by the Rev. Michael Curry, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church.
Bishop Curry told us all that there’s power in love–power to change the world. When love is the way, we are set free from fear, from greed, from envy, from hatred of every kind. When love is the way, we are all set free.
What can we do to help bring that day about? Well, first, let’s not wait for someone else to go first. Let’s make a point of acting and speaking in love and generosity and fearlessness ourselves, no matter where we are, no matter who’s around us.
This message is an excerpt from Women of the ELCA’s monthly devotion by Audrey Riley. Today is the seventh Sunday after Pentecost.
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