Through the waters of baptism we are new creations, members of the body of Christ. We are called to be Christ’s light in the world, and when we care for our whole being—body, mind, and spirit—we are most able to do that. Living well is about a balanced life in Christ. God is at work in and through all our interrelated dimensions—intellectual, emotional, social/interpersonal, vocational, physical, and spiritual—and is central to our groundedness and balance.
Being in touch with who God has created us to be guides us on our journey toward wellness. We have been uniquely created, with gifts, talents, skills, and passions to share. When we live from our God-given gifts, we are joyful; and the body of Christ becomes a community of healing and wholeness.
This is an excerpt from the free online resource Journey to Wellness, and this is drawn from a segment written by Tammy Devine. Learn more about the resource and how you can use it in support of our health initiative, Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls.