“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).
The world is so big, how can I make a difference? Has that question ever run through your mind or, sadly, come out of your mouth? It’s true. The world is big. There are many complex problems and situations that are not easily changed or improved. Circumstances can seem big, too. There are times when relationships, jobs, commitments, and financial concerns seem to swallow us up. The impact can leave us groping for help. Feeling overwhelmed is a kind of darkness.
Into this darkness, Jesus’ light shines. When we feel overwhelmed, we are reminded to call on the Holy Spirit to enlighten us. We don’t have to stumble our way through each day, but rather walk in the light.
This message is adapted from a devotion written by Mary Ingram Zentner for Women of the ELCA in 1998. Today is the fifth Sunday after Epiphany.
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