In these days of tightened belts and swirling fears of a global economic crisis, it can be hard to rest in the idea of a God who gives abundantly. Worries about scarcity drown out the promise that God always gives us what we need. And though we may think that it is these tough times making it hard for us to trust in God, if we tell the truth about ourselves and our world, we have trouble trusting God in times of plenty, too. Scarcity thinking is sneaky and pervasive that way. It causes us to look with fear even upon the most gracious outpouring of God’s gifts. Whether we enjoy great luxury or barely subsist from day to day, we end up looking at our lives and worry that there is never enough.
Abundance thinking sees whatever is before us and knows that there will be enough to go around. Changing our vision toward an abundance outlook is not about the amount of provisions around us. Our spirits become tuned to see what is here and give thanks for it.
This message is adapted from “Gathering in Life Abundant” written by Liv Larson Andrews in the November 2012 issue of Gather magazine.