The topic of our own looks is so fraught for us. We don’t dare say aloud, “I’m pretty today!” or even “I look okay today!” for reasons we can barely articulate. We’ve all heard women uttering nasty little bits of self-hatred instead — “Oh, I’m so fat in these pants,” “Oh, I’m such a mess.” Would we ever say such a thing to a friend — “Oh, you’re so fat in those pants?” Never. Then why do we say them to ourselves?
If I had the power to do it, I’d lose that ugly baggage forever. Let’s free ourselves to talk honestly and positively about our looks. Can we go even further than that? Let’s free ourselves to giggle affectionately with our friends and families about our looks.
So, on a scale of one to 10, what do I think about how pretty you are today? I think you’re beautiful, you beautiful person, you. What do you think?
This message is excerpted from a Women of the ELCA blog by Audrey Riley. You can read it here. Today is the third Sunday after Pentecost.
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