Too often we think of ourselves as insignificant, not worthy, perhaps even inadequate, but God does not see us that way. Every one of us is created by God in God’s own image. Remember in the creation story after God completed a workday, God “saw that it was good.” That means that you and I are good in God’s eyes.
Now, if we could only see ourselves in that same way. Yes, I mess up; yes, I am less than perfect; yes, I sin. But yes, God forgives me. And yes, God still loves me. We must learn to forgive ourselves and let God use us without our interference.
Let’s look in the mirror every morning and reflect on the opportunities we have to “let the light of Christ shine through us.” Make it a ritual to remember that God loves you even if you are not perfect.
This message was written by Susan Harris, a member of Salem Lutheran Church, Lincolnton, N.C. Today is Reformation Sunday, the 20th Sunday after Pentecost.
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