Prayer is an ancient language between God and God’s people: spoken, written, sung and dreamed. In prayer we lift up our hearts to God in longing and lament, fear and unknowing, trust and trepidation, hope and joy. Prayer connects us to one another and calls us to be a part of God’s re-imagining for the world.
I struggle with prayer. I can’t find the time or the words or the energy. I have so much to say and have little patience for listening.
But this is the journey. For me, it is a constant learning and re-learning of how to be with God. It is God’s grace that draws me, us, in. It is God’s deep longing for us, God’s unquenchable desire to be connected with us, that gives my heart courage and my life hope.
This message is adapted from “Faith reflections: Prayers for the first job” written by Megan Jane Jones that first appeared in the June 2010 issue of Cafe magazine. Today we remember John Donne, poet, who died in 1631.
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