There is often an inciting incident that slows us down and calls us to sabbath, whether we recognize it or not. It’s something that knocks us off our track, a signal to stress less—or else—and to depend upon something that transcends us.
But there’s no need to wait until the string quartet accompanies our sinking Titanic. Getting to the crux of sabbath will rescue us before we drown. Resting means confronting the itchiness of wanting to keep our bodies (and minds) moving.
I’m a big fan of “sabbath moments,” which are sacred glimpses in regular time—like a rainbow on a Thursday afternoon or a conversation with a close friend. Sabbath moments are a good place to start to deal with your stress.
Once you feel ready, stretch those moments into an hour, an afternoon, or a day. Put your phone away. Nap. Attend worship. Walk in nature. Read. Meditate. Pray. Lean into wonder and awe.
This message is adapted from “Slowing down for sabbath’s sake” by J. Dana Trent in the July 2019 issue of Cafe.
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