I am convinced that the reason we are Christians is because Jesus is risen from the dead. Without that event, we would be, well, Jesus-ians (following a wise man who offered inspiration), somewhat akin to being Luther-ans!
But we call ourselves Christ-ians because we believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. This means that God’s agenda is not suffering, hunger, illness, loneliness and death. God’s agenda is life. This means that Jesus’ agenda is clearly God’s agenda. And that means that, if we self-identify as Christians, then we also self-identify with Christ and his agenda, which is God’s.
However, it also means that the gospel is not that our sins are forgiven – although this is true. The gospel is that Jesus is risen! Death does not win! Death is real, but life is real-er! If we reframe the gospel message to this far fuller, far richer, far robust and expansive definition, then the gospel doesn’t only speak to sinners, but also to those who are sinned upon…those who grieve…those who hurt…those who hunger…those who feel unloved…those who are refugees…those who are oppressed.
This message is excerpted from the Bible study “Salvation now” by Anna Madsen in the July/August 2023 Gather magazine.
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What a narrow view of being a Christian.