One night at bedtime, my youngest child surprises me by asking God to bless the people who will be awake while he sleeps. His firefighter uncle, putting in a 24-hour shift. The bakers, making fresh bread for the morning. The police, charged with keeping everyone safe.
Sometimes the days are blurry. Sometimes we come to see Jesus at night. Much like Nicodemus, we strain our eyes at a glimpse of divinity, stuck on small details, wondering at the big picture. Who is this God who comes not to condemn the world but to love it? Where in our daily lives can we find this life-giving water, this renewing Spirit that Jesus speaks of to both Nicodemus (John 3) and the woman at the well (John 4)? What would it mean for each of us to be made “all anew?”
This message is excerpted from “Coming to see Jesus” by Elizabeth Hunter in the June 2017 Gather magazine. Today is the Second Sunday in Lent. Today is the Women of the ELCA Bold Women’s Day.
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