“But.” “If.” “If only.” The excuses come so easily. “But I don’t know enough” (my personal favorite), or “If I had more time.” “If only I had more experience, then I’d surely volunteer.”
We have a biblical companion for these “buts and ifs” in the prophet Jeremiah. He was called by God as a young man and believed he was not ready to be a prophet. He thought, I’m only a boy. I have nothing to say.
We all have these Jeremiah moments. Perhaps it’s an invitation to lead a group and you aren’t sure you have enough experience. Maybe a friend has asked for advice and you feel you have no words to offer her. Surely there are times to take stock and question whether your gifts are the right ones for the moment at hand. Most of the time, however, we could take more risks.
This message is an excerpt from “Arise, shine this Epiphany” by Jennifer Baker-Trinity in Café.
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