My mother will turn 90 in December, and I haven’t seen her since early March when she was recovering from triple-bypass surgery. My mom is now back in her Florida senior living facility and is healthy and happy. Though no outside visitors are getting into the facility where she lives.
When will I get to hug my mom again? I’m not alone. I am a drop in the bucket of people who want to see their loved ones before it’s too late. I feel longing, but many are feeling real pain. Many are waving to their loved ones through hospital windows for the last time.
I realize that not getting to hug my mother is minor in comparison to the racial atrocities experienced by people of color in this country and the deaths happening as a result of the virus. We all have stories to tell about how the virus has affected our lives. What’s yours?
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Terri Lackey.
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