Connections formed among women of faith, not just within the congregation but across the synod and throughout the church, are a blessing. We know this to be true, and so we gather to give thanks.
Many congregations hold Thankoffering services this time of year in thanksgiving for the many blessings poured out by our generous and loving God. For more than a century, women have given thanks in their circles, units and synodical organizations to support the churchwide women’s organization.
Women of the ELCA Thankofferings are a mainstay of our beloved community of women created in the image of God. These generous gifts support the ongoing ministries of Women of the ELCA, ensuring that future generations of Lutheran women can also rejoice in their turn with this wonderful community of women acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
This message is an excerpt from a 2015 stewardship devotion by Audrey Novak Riley. Today we observe the National Day of Giving or #givingTuesday.
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