This year—2020–has certainly been trying. Isolation and uncertainty are two words that describe what everyone is feeling due to COVID 19. Many events were canceled or postponed–events that we, as Women of the ELCA, look forward to like retreats, conventions, Bible studies, regular worship, our gathering, and convention.
Yes, we still need to practice social distancing and conduct much of our business virtually–but we can do it. Whether you need ideas to revitalize your group or inspiration on how to live out our ministry as individuals, Women of the ELCA is here for you!
Go to and re-familiarize yourself with the many resources available. Take advantage of Tuesday prayers at noon for an opportunity to pray with Lutheran women across the church every Tuesday at noon (in your time zone). Design a Thankoffering container and make a conscious decision to look for things to be grateful for every day. Drop a few coins in the container and forward these Thankofferings on to churchwide. Get ideas on how to sustain your community virtually.
These small gestures will help you feel connected to your siblings in Christ across the entire churchwide expression.
The message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Lisa Plorin.
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