What is a person supposed to do when faced with the storms of life? Evidently, from Jesus’ reaction to his disciples in the boat, the appropriate response is not doubt and panic (Luke 8:22-25). But fear is the natural reaction, isn’t it? How do we ride out the storms of life—temporal or spiritual? Perhaps the first question for a disciple ought to be “How did my master handle these situations?”
The Bible makes it clear that Jesus observed many spiritual practices: prayer, fasting, studying scripture, worship, service, meditation, spending time alone. Perhaps you don’t have the luxury of calm seas right now. Maybe, like the disciples, you are crying out to God, “Do you not care that I am perishing?”
Take comfort in knowing that Jesus has already traveled this road ahead of you. Now more than ever, the spiritual disciplines can bring you solace.
This message is adapted from “Riding Out the Storm” written by Susan Greeley in the November 2011 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Florence Nightingale, who in died 1910; and Clara Maass, who died in 1901; renewers of society. Thank you to all the nurses out there.
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