It’s no small feat to keep moving forward hand-in-hand with doubt. You look for the next glimmer of light, the next sign that hope is not in vain. In Lauren Winner’s Still: Notes on a Mid-faith Crisis, she writes, “And yet in those same moments of strained belief, of not knowing where or if God is, it has also seemed that the Christian story keeps explaining who and where I am, better than any story I know.”
I can’t help thinking that Thomas would have agreed with Lauren. But one thing is certain – God is not threatened by Thomas’ doubts, or Lauren’s or mine. Jesus was not intimidated by Thomas’ unbelief but spoke directly to it. What might have happened if Thomas had not honestly voiced his doubts? What an opportunity would have been lost!
Give yourself permission to dance with your doubts. Let doubts lead to you see that Jesus will not despise your humanity, but reveal truth and beauty to you, though you continue to tremble.
This message is excerpted from “Clouded with doubt,” by Cara Strickland in the April 2019 Gather magazine. Today we commemorate Thomas, apostle.
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