The table of Holy Communion is a thanksgiving table. Eucharist—the meal that happens at the table–is a Greek word for thanksgiving. It’s the place where we thank God for all that God has done for us through Jesus and throughout history.
While I have grieved much over the past months, what I want to return to more than anything is the meal that God provides at that table. I want to look people in the eye again as I tell them that the small piece of bread and a tiny sip of wine is “for you.” I want to think of each of their stories as they approach the table. I want to ponder without judgment or expectation all the different stories that come to the holy table. Holy food for holy people.
This message is an excerpt from “Table grace” by Emily K. Hartner in the November 2020 issue of Boldcafe. Today is the fifth Sunday after Epiphany.
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