Evangelism is considered by many to be the heartbeat of the church. Through evangelism, the people of God carry on the mission of Jesus Christ. Through evangelism they blossom in their faith journey as they realize they have power to make an impact on the world.
The word for evangelism is translated from a Greek word, euaggelion, which means basically to tell the good news. The word is used in the New Testament to speak only of the good news of Jesus Christ. As far as the New Testament is concerned, especially for Paul, there is no good news except that which concerns Jesus (Galatians 1:6–7b).
This excerpt if from the May 2012 Gather magazine Bible study, “The People of God: Unity in the Midst of Diversity,” by Linda Johnson Seyenkulo and Jensen Seyenkulo. Today we remember Basil the Great, bishop of Caesarea, died 379; Gregory, bishop of Nyssa, died around 385; Gregory of Nazianzus, bishop of Constantinople, died around 389; Macrina, teacher, died around 379.