If your faith made a recognizable sound, how would others describe it? Whether you are shy or outgoing, adventurous or cautious, your faith has a sound that transcends your personality. Do you turn up the volume of your faith? Or do you mute it or use it as background noise? Does the sound of your faith celebrate you—the unique, special child of God that you were made to be? Does your faith make a sound others want to listen to? Follow? Replicate? Is it a sound you want others to hear? The sound of my faith is round and full and as loud as the wind. Maybe it’s too loud sometimes—but I don’t apologize. I don’t muffle this sound. I have listened to and released my sound, and I encourage you to do the same.
This message is adapted from “What is the sound of your faith?” by Karris Golden in the March 2007 issue of Café magazine. Today we remember Lawrence, deacon, martyr, who died in 258 and those traveling home from the ELCA churchwide assembly in Milwaukee this week.
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