Many are excited today because it’s “MLK Day!” no school, no work, sleeping in, a day of leisure and for some a “day of service.”
I’ve been thinking about the civil rights movement and Dr. King’s dream. Is one day enough to move the dream forward? Or has the dream faded? Do we even remember what the dream is?
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be in his 90s. What would he say to us today about poverty, racial equality, class, the economy, violence, and love? Would love still be the answer to ending these ills–poverty, racial and economic inequality, hatred and violence that he spoke of in his dream? What would that love look like today?
The older I get, I am in awe of how much he accomplished as a young husband, father, pastor with a congregation, community leader, author, and prophet. And, there is more to him than his “I have a dream” speech.
My answer to whether the dream has faded: No.
This message is excerpted from a Women of the ELCA blog by Valora Starr. You can read it here. Today we observe Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday on Jan. 15 as a federal holiday.
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