Women are guided by common values as we work together with a shared vision of acting boldly on our faith. It is our ability to give back and our desire for transformation that give us the hope that we are leaving the world better than we found it.
Our giving demonstrates our confidence in the ministry of the church, and that generosity contributes to a more balanced life. The nature and motivations of our giving are integral to our faith because they connect us with one another and with God’s means of grace so that we may truly embrace the notion of grace-full living.
In a few days, we’ll look at your history with money (what you were taught and believe); what being a good steward means to you (what matters to you and motivates you); and how to develop your capacity to model financial wellness (becoming a stewardship model).
If you enjoy these bite-size installments and wish to explore the topic more in-depth, we encourage you to log on to www.womenoftheelca.org and download the free resource, “Grace-Full Living.”
Today we observe the Third Sunday in Lent. This message was adapted from the “Grace-Full Living” resource available in both English and Spanish from the Women of the ELCA website.