We church people are flawed, stumbling, redeemed saints. But can we handle that fact? What do we do when our church has deeply hurt people or creation? Apologize? Admit that we’re missing something?
We should take an honest look at the difficult realities of the church’s complicity in slavery, segregation, and racism. If you have any doubts that this was also a reality for Lutheran churches in North America, a closer look at church history and a visit to the ELCA Archives may be helpful.
Grounded in God’s word and the work of repentance, we as church people can turn away from everything that is not love and turn back to God. In learning to walk with God and each other, we open the way for healing and reconciliation in the world. Because it’s entirely possible that what we’re really missing is simply each other.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Elizabeth Hunter. Today we observe Reformation Day.
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