How do we recognize those times when our egos take over, when we expect credit for the wrong reasons?
I wonder if it happens when we cease to find joy in our tasks–when they become drudgery rather than life-giving, when they become projects to dread rather than anticipate. I wonder if it happens when we become wrapped up in tasks to the detriment of the rest of our lives–when we’ve given so much to them that we feel entitled to receive something back. I wonder if it happens when we’re feeling insecure and need affirmation from others that we’re valuable.
When we lift up the gifts of others, the good work of the church is spread among many and serving becomes a joy instead of a burden. I pray that our faith communities are places filled with gratitude and appreciation for the countless acts of generosity that happen inside and outside our doors.
“Gratitude & encouragement” was excerpted from the All Anew devotional coloring book produced by Women of the ELCA and Gather magazine. Today we remember Lucy, martyr, who died in 304.
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