Part of our purpose as women of faith is to connect with one another in our stewardship. In doing so, we discern the will of God. We all have the ability to be God’s voice to the faith community, connecting with others and encouraging good stewardship. It is truly part of our calling as women of faith to teach others what we know. If you were asked to offer advice about stewardship and finances to other women, what would you tell them? What do you wish someone had told you?
As women, we have the capacity to shape the world around us because of what we were taught about stewardship and our motivations for it. We are in a unique position to be sound role models of generosity and stewardship. Grace-full living means that we can all benefit from acting on our ability to identify resources and opportunities for stewardship and service. We have a common vision as women of faith to seek renewal and transformation, not just for ourselves but for the greater community.
For more information about stewardship, visit our website. This message was adapted from the Grace-Full Living resource available in both English and Spanish at as a free downloadable PDF.