God, your people have suffered often. Your people have yearned for liberation and a world where all are welcome, valued, celebrated (see Isaiah 61:1–4). If there were such a world where Isaiah’s prophecy came true, where everyone had a place and all that they needed, we too would rejoice.
Could we one day stop putting others down in order to build ourselves up? Could we release our fear that there will not be enough and celebrate your bounty, trusting that there is more than we need? Could our hate and fear be replaced by acceptance and generosity?
You see the abundance of our diversity. You affirm our desire to live in joy. You see what the world can be, what you long for us to enjoy. God, open our hearts to the truth of our sin. Teach us to be curious, awed by your largesse, eager to love the diversity in your children, and hungry for the just world that is your holy future.
This message is an excerpt from “The holy future” by Catherine Malotky in the November 2020 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Mark, Evangelist (transferred).
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