I just wanted a nice family dinner. We’d come to the table, hungry and seeking to reconnect after a long day of working and e-learning at home. We’d prayed. We’d had a wonderful conversation about how important food is for our lives after one of the kids asked about meat shortages due to the Covid19 pandemic. We shared what we’d read about the vulnerability of meatpackers and farmworkers who must live and work in close quarters. We wondered if now, during the pandemic, more of us were thinking about how to love our neighbors and realizing that love and justice go together.
Good things happen when God brings us—with all our differences—to the table of “just love.” We are fed, forgiven, and transformed. “Just love” is never about fairness or deserving or anything we do. It’s all about God’s generosity, which must somehow become our own.
This message is an excerpt from “Welcome: Blueberry grace” by Elizabeth Hunter in the July/August 2020 issue of Gather magazine.
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