Throughout my life, I have heard God’s voice in the most unexpected places—a park bench, a bus stop, through intravenous lines and even in the rundown restroom of a city train stations.
The reality is that God speaks to all of us, in all places. When I look back, I see that the times that have seemed most unexpected have been the times I actually stopped to listen to God’s call.
The cross will always get in the way of our lives. God calls us, loves and heals us during the most difficult times because Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us. “I will not leave you orphaned,” Jesus told the disciples and us. “I am coming to you” (John 14:18).
And from what I hear, God keeps God’s promises.
This message is an excerpt from “The Cross Gets in the Way” by Violet Cucciniello Little in the November 2016 issue of Gather magazine.
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