Many years ago, I heard a pastor say: “Jesus was nailed to the cross. But make no mistake. The nails did not hold him there. It was love that kept Jesus on that cross.”
God’s reign invites people who are on the margins, people who are broken, people who are forgotten and people who are lost into the Beloved Community.
Through our Savior’s life, death, resurrection and the doors of the Church (with a capital C) have been flung wide open for all to enter. We don’t have to determine who is in and who is out—it’s not even up to us! The God whom we serve is bigger than the way we worship, our earthly trappings of success and the way we vote.
This message is excerpted from “Beloved community” by Angela T. Khabeb in the March 2019 issue of Gather magazine. Today is the third Sunday in Lent.
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