Who is your favorite band? Have you seen them on tour? If I look at some of the T-shirts I have purchased at concerts, I can see all the places the band has traveled. What places would your own tour T-shirt include? Where have you visited?
How do your news sources shape what you think about other places and the people there? What voices are you not hearing in those reports, whether they are supermarket tabloids or CNN reports?
Romans 12:2 urges us to “not conform to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind” so that we might be able to do God’s will. As Christians, we are challenged to consider this verse as we look at the world. Despite society’s technological progress and other advances, world hunger and abject poverty abound. Ten percent of the population controls 90 percent of the world’s resources. U.S. citizens are among that 10 percent. Even though you may not feel particularly wealthy, reflect on your place of privilege in relation to the rest of the world.
God of all, help us to consider our role in the world. Open our eyes to your will and our responsibility to our global family.
Tomorrow: Becoming a global woman Today’s message was adapted from the “Called to a Global Perspective” resource available from the Women of the ELCA website.