My sister told me about a church event she attended with her pastor—meal included. After they got their food and sat down to eat, my sister took a big bite. Then the pastor said, “Should we say a prayer before we eat?”
She nodded yes while discreetly trying to chew and swallow. It reminded me of all the times I eat alone, mostly in my car going from one place to another. While I do try to start my day with devotions and end my day with a prayer of thank you(s), I rarely stop to thank God for my food before eating.
As a child, my family always said grace before we ate. When dining out with our Women of the ELCA board, we sing a table prayer. It often takes others in the restaurant by surprise, but then they pause to listen or join in the song. The sung table prayer brings with it a sense of community.
How do you remember to thank God for the blessings in your life?
This message from Anna Jetson, president of the Northeastern Iowa Synodical Women’s Organization, was in the SWO’s fall newsletter, Good News.
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