Many people think about what they will sacrifice for Lent, what to give up in order to journey deeper into relationship with God. A few years ago, I began the practice of intentionally and mindfully taking something on, something that would challenge me to create a habit that would help deepen my faith.
This year, I’m making a commitment to combat those feelings of shame that thwart God’s work of abundance and love.
I’m turning back to the sacraments of communion and baptism, as I seek to uncover all that the Holy Spirit is doing within me, around me and through me for the sake of the gospel and my relationships with others.
This message is an excerpt from “Shame: The enemy of baptism” by Rozella Haydee White in the January 2017 issue of Cafe. Today is the third Sunday in Lent. The readings are Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 95; Romans 5:1-11; John 4:5-42.
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