How do you celebrate the holidays when you’re feeling somewhat empty?
My sisters and I are making memory boxes of our parents who have both died. We saved personal items from their desk, fabric from clothing, ties from my dad, handwritten recipes, photos and other small knick-knacks. We’ll place these in some pre-made boxes and hopefully come up with an artistic remembrance. I know there will be much talk, tears and laughter.
Their memories will still influence our lives and the lives of our children/grandchildren. By making these memory boxes we will celebrate them as they now live on in our memories.
I thank God for the faith of my parents that lives on in me. They died well – as faith-filled and gracious in death as in life. This Thanksgiving I’ll celebrate their lives!
This message is an excerpt from a Nov. 22, 2012, Women of the ELCA blog by Diane Frederick. Today is Thanksgiving Day. We remember Justus Falckner, died 1723; Jehu Jones, died 1852; William Passavant, died 1894; pastors in North America.
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