“…in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.” (John 1:4)
Maria looked up at the starry sky and out at the people walking by. This year, she played Mary in her congregation’s live nativity scene. She thought about the people, the stars in the sky, and the lamb and donkey on either side of her. “God has given us so much life and beauty,” she thought. Looking at the child in the manger, she whispered, “What a life you have given us.” Maria truly did treasure and ponder these things in her heart.
The gift of life Jesus offers is full with receiving and giving, making us participants in the wonder of the gift: our joys and sorrows in life give depth to our faith; anguish calmed by God’s peace enriches our sense of compassion.
How has Jesus touched you? What are the joys and sorrows that have given depth to your life? How have you received the gift of Jesus’ birth? How have you responded to his light in your life?
This message is adapted from a devotion written by Mary Ingram Zertner for Women of the ELCA in