When I think of holiday traditions I want to start or those I want to distance myself from, I find myself drawn back to Jesus’ teachings and the example he set for us. Are there traditions I’m holding onto that aren’t in alignment with Jesus’ gospel of acceptance and grace? How can I create a new tradition that brings me closer to Jesus on my path of discipleship?
I hope that as we enter the holiday season, you find time to enjoy the traditions in your life while also forging new ones in your Christian community. I pray that you create intentional space to ask yourself how the traditions you’ve kept are bringing you closer to Jesus, and the power to step away from those that are no longer serving you.
Traditions can be a beautiful way to come together, reminisce and enjoy each other’s company this time of year. May Jesus guide you as you create community and live out the traditions that speak to you and your faith journey.
This message is adapted from “Traditions to break and create” by SommerAnn McCullough in the November 2018 issue of Café magazine. Today we remember Ambrose, bishop of Milan, who died in 397.
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