Sometimes the toll life takes on us seems too high a price to pay. We get stressed out; it happens to everyone. I find incredible comfort in confiding in someone who genuinely desires that I feel God’s love and find peace.
Good Christian counselors can provide that help. They ask hard questions, but they also help us deal with the answers. My sessions with a counselor led to greater clarity. I saw how trivial some things were that I had thought were so important. This helped me see how unimportant “stuff” was. No longer desiring to accumulate material things, I tore through closets and drawers, getting rid of unwanted possessions. The freedom I felt from such action was amazing.
My stress stemmed from being out of balance. What is keeping you out of balance?
This message is adapted from “Christian Counseling: Help on the Journey” written by CJ Hines in the May 2005 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.