My heart breaks every morning as I watch the news: so much loss, so much loneliness, so much isolation. The psalmist describes my feelings when he says, Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest (Psalms 55:6).
But, after I turn off the news and begin my work for the day, I turn to God. The nature of my work brings me daily into the reading of scripture.
Participating in faith practices—daily reading of scripture, personal prayer, and quiet meditation—will not remove our fears or feelings, but they can provide hope. I encourage you to think about what spiritual practices are part of your daily life. Find moments where you can feel God’s presence and hear God’s voice.
Knowing that God is with us strengthens my resolve to get through one more day, to tell myself to be patient, to seek out connections with people even at a distance, and to continue to live as if the gospel is true.
This message is an excerpt from a Women of the ELCA blog by Jennifer Michael. Today we remember Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, martyr, who died around 258.
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