You’ve been handed a job description that has a rather daunting list of attributes sought for the person to fill this high-level position. The last line calls for “someone able to model and support appropriate risk-taking.” Is this something you would be willing to do?
As believers, this quality is something we should consider as part of our Christian mission description. Jesus took a lot of risks. All who would follow are called to engage in this mission as well.
1. Consider ways you can take smart risks to grow and mature as a believer.
2. Find ways to incorporate necessary risk-taking to achieve new skills and achievements in your faith life.
3. Reflect on how your risk-taking helps you see God more clearly and experience Christ’s presence more fully.
Please pray for Women of the ELCA synodical presidents who are meeting in Chicago this weekend. This message was adapted from “Wanted: Faithful Risk-takers” by Michael Cooper-White that appeared in the April 1999 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.