According to Tal Ben-Shahar, a psychology lecturer at Harvard University, and lots of others (perhaps even your mother), expressing gratitude makes people happier. Those who daily write down five things they’re grateful for, according to Ben-Shahar, are happier, healthier and more successful than people who don’t. (Alternately, there’s another formula for happiness acknowledging genetics, events in our recent past and four basic values of faith, family, community and work.)
Expressing gratitude–that’s a simple discipline, isn’t it? Pause each day to write down five things for which you’re grateful. I can’t imagine it taking more than 10 minutes on most days. And finally, a good use for all those beautiful journals you’ve purchased over the years with great intentions … but never used. (Oh, wait, is that just me?)
This is based on a post, “If you’re happy and you know it …” that was published January 2, 2014, on the Women of the ELCA blog. It was written by Linda Post Bushkofsky.