My namesake, Sojourner Truth, was a U.S. abolitionist and women’s rights activist who reclaimed her freedom after slavery and dedicated her life to improving the quality of life for her people and all women. Every year on March 10, the ELCA commemorates Sojourner Truth as a renewer of society.
Just as the Spirit of God called Sojourner to live out her truth through public speaking on behalf of slaves and women, God is calling me to write my way into my own truth.
If Sojourner Truth could stand up against the racism, sexism and classism that tried to break down her soul and deny her full humanity, then surely I can follow in her footsteps and continue the work of helping to eradicate those same “isms” in her name…in my name. Thanks be to God that we are named, called, known and loved by God for all eternity.
This message is an excerpt from “Sojourner” by Sojourner White in the March 2018 issue of Gather magazine. Today we remember Harriet Tubman, who died in 1913; and Sojourner Truth, who died in 1883; renewers of society. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed tonight.
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