Ultimate Fun is the point in a great event where you have had just the perfect amount of fun. You’re out with friends, or at a dinner party, or at the park with the family, and you realize that, at that precise moment, you will never have more fun than you have had up until that point. It is the ideal amount of fun, and no more. You have reached Ultimate Fun. If you leave at the moment of Ultimate Fun, you will always look back on that party, night or trip, as an absolutely perfect time.
But wait, you can’t have too much of a good thing, right? Not true. Without fail, if you push past the point of Ultimate Fun, you do not get more fun for your effort. Instead, you get tired, cranky, and overwhelmed. The previously perfect evening is ruined. We are not meant to move past Ultimate Fun, because after that point, it’s just not fun anymore. Ultimate Fun helps my family put limits on how much fun is enough fun, because sometimes enough of something is really all you need.
I may not love the word enough, but enough fulfills, never turns sour, does not implode on itself. Enough is Ultimate Fun, giving you always only exactly what you need, meeting your desires so perfectly that you are never overwhelmed by too much. It is an enough that we can be grateful for, never making ourselves or our appetites more than they must be.
This message is adapted from “The Gospel of Enough” written by Megan Torgerson in the July/August 2013 issue of Gather magazine.