When Martha questioned Jesus’ loyalty upon the death of her brother, Jesus reminded her that she was “worried and distracted by many things.”
The word translated as “distracted” has the sense of being troubled.
It is natural at times to be like Martha, making molehills into mountains. At the same time, Jesus enters into her imbalance (and ours as well) and promises that “there is need of only one thing.” This one thing was made clear when he was crucified and rose from the dead. We have the gift and call to act boldly with balance.
Today we remember Thomas Aquinas, teacher, who died in 1274. This message was adapted from “Act Boldly with Balance” by Sue Ann and Ron Glusenkamp, a three-month summer Bible study that appeared in the June 2006 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine. You can download this and other three-month Bible studies here.