At the end of each day, I take some time to reflect on the day with gratitude. I ask a question or two that helps me recall where I saw God. The questions can take a variety of forms such as: What were the highs? The lows? What was most life-giving? Most life-depleting? When did I see evidence of God’s presence?
My gratitude journal provides a way to end my day on a positive note by noticing the blessings I’ve been given. When I take time to write even five things for which I’m grateful, I switch my awareness button to on.
In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us to not be “conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your minds.” The standards, thoughts, actions and practices of this world need not become the bar by which we measure ourselves. This requires awareness and determination. This is a call to us for nothing less than transformation. This means developing intentionality about how we live our lives.
This message is adapted from Gather magazine’s All Anew Devotional Coloring Book. Today is International Women’s Day.
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