“Then the king of Jericho sent orders to Rahab, ‘Bring out the men who have come to you, who entered your house’ . . . But the woman took the two men and hid them.” Joshua 2:3-4
When I think about Rahab’s courage to aid the spies and the faith she displayed, I think about other women who have courageously acted on their faith and changed the world. I think about Rosa Parks and her actions that energized the Civil Rights movement. They risked physical harm and imprisonment, but neither abandoned God’s call. What women come to mind for you?
As children of God, deep within ourselves we can discern and advocate for what is just, regardless of what others around us may believe. The stories of quiet, direct, and powerful protests illustrate for us that seemingly ordinary acts of unwavering faith have a tremendous impact.
This message is adapted from a devotion written by Elizabeth McBride for Women of the ELCA in 2005.