“As a community of women, created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves ….”
It is no coincidence that the Purpose Statement of Women of the ELCA begins with these words. We name ourselves as a community. Each woman brings her own name, her own gifts, her own challenges, her own needs, her own commitment to a community with a mission.
Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome all formed such a community.
From their witness, the Christian community has grown to reach even us. We too will find our voices in God’s goodness. Who knows what ears will hear us telling the story of God’s love?
Today we remember Mary, Mother of Our Lord. This message is based on a devotion written by Terry L. Bowes that appeared in Programs, Retreats and Devotions published by Women of the ELCA in 1995.
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