Jesus’ confidence and powerful voice were contagious. Peter, the bumbling disciple and three-time denier of Jesus, became a fiery preacher who spread Jesus’ message. The Samaritan woman sprinted away from her encounter with Jesus at the well, proclaiming to her neighbors–who had shunned her for years–that Jesus is the Messiah.
Even after Jesus ordered people to keep silent about him, they couldn’t help themselves. People who knew only oppression suddenly saw themselves as worthy of new life and respect. Those who had been silenced learned to speak.
Let’s inspire one another to claim our individual voices, needs and choices with confidence and to discover what is good and right for us, knowing that our compassion for ourselves enhances our care for others, following Jesus’ lead– even if it takes us to the cross.
Today we remember Agnes, martyr, who died around 304. This message is adapted from “Faith reflections: Needs of a compassionate parent” written by Jennifer Hackbarth that first appeared in the September 2015 issue of Café magazine.